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Louisa Borg Costanzi

This therapist is currently not taking on new clients

Ψ Gestalt Psychotherapist

B.Psy (Hons.); M. Psych (Gestalt)

PPBM warrant No 248


Louisa is a warranted Gestalt Psychotherapist. She graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) from the University of Malta in 2013, after which she obtained a Certificate in Counselling Psychology from City University London in 2015. In 2020, Louisa graduated with a Master’s degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy from the European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute – Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta (E.A.P.T.I.-G.P.T.I.M.).

Using a collaborative approach, Louisa strives to help people recognise their own potential. Having started her practice as a trainee therapist in 2018, working with clients from all walks of life, her passion is to help people gain better knowledge about themselves, aid in personal growth and self-belief, and learn to have better daily functioning. Throughout the years, while working with adults, she also worked in the education field and in life-skills support with children, teenagers and young adults. Louisa also has experience working with interpersonal issues, anxiety, depression, relationship issues on an individual basis rather than with couples, trauma, sexuality and general mental health issues.

Louisa has always believed in the power of human connection and the importance of having the right support. Her approach involves providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment where clients can feel safe, heard and seen.


Book a session with Louisa Borg Costanzi

I love going on walks in nature and then curling up on the sofa to watch a good series or movie. I look forward to starting this journey with you, and I thank you for letting me into your world.

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TherapyPacks Terms and Conditions

1. TherapyPacks come in bundles of 5 or 10 sessions. Prices of bundles:

  • 5 sessions – €270 – must be utilised within 3 months from date of purchase
  • 10 sessions – €520 – must be utilised within 6 months from date of purchase

2. Bundles are not transferable. This means they cannot be used by, or gifted to, anyone else but the person whose name is listed as the TherapyPacks bundle holder.

3. Bundles which are purchased for Couples Therapy and Family Therapy can only be used by members of the couple or family with one therapist. If members of a couple or family decide to take up individual therapy with another therapist, the bundle will only apply to sessions with the therapist originally referred and cannot be also used for the individual sessions with another therapist. Exceptions will be made if the original therapist is unable to see the client or family and the couple or family are referred to another therapist. After referral, the same conditions will apply.

4. Bundles are valid for a limited time period, as listed above. This means that the bundles will expire once the respective time period has elapsed. Any sessions not utilised within this period will be lost. This means that a refund will not be given for unused sessions. Start date commences on date of purchase of bundles.

5. Bundles are only valid for full price sessions (charged at €60) and not for sessions with trainee psychotherapists, reports or assessments.

6. Full payment needs to be made on purchase, via bank transfer, cash or credit card.

7. Management reserves the right to terminate or suspend the use of the bundles. Reasons for such are at the discretion of the clinic.

8. Refunds or extensions of time period within which bundles may be used is at the discretion of management and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

9. Management reserves the right to modify or replace the terms and conditions. In such circumstances, clients will be given adequate notice and time to adhere to such.

10. The clinic’s cancellation policy is applicable also to bundles. Late cancellations or no shows will result in the forfeit of a session within the bundle allocation.

11. Responsibility for ensuring timely use of session bundles remains that of the TherapyPacks bundle holder or, in the case of a minor, their carer/legal guardian.